

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Rows and Rows of Toilets

So I have a few more weekdays off in a row which means it's been time to entertain myself while most people are at work. Today that meant venturing out to Maryland to visit a store called Community Forklift. Basically it's a Goodwill but with building supplies. This meant that, among other things, there were rows upon rows of toilets.

I also got this arty shot of toilet back covers (is there an actual word for this?). 

I fell in love with the cabinet, which my mom pointed out via text would be perfect to house my burgeoning Jadeite collection, but it was more money than I wanted to spend today. And I really hate carrying heavy things up to my apartment.

I also loved loved loved this vintage stove. But again, it would be heavy to carry up to my apartment... slash a vintage stove may be the last thing I need in life.

I did end up purchasing some hexagonal tiles to eventually become coasters and a square glass window cube thingy. Again, is there an actual word for this?

I purposely picked a glass cube that had a small chip in the back. When I got home I used a nail and hammer to make the hole slightly larger. I then spent most of The Office threading a string of white lights (purchased but never used for Andrew and Annie's wedding). 

The finished product is out new living room lamp. Total cost of $2 since the cube was chipped and I already had the lights. Holla!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Catching Up

To quote gmail... And we're back! Without further ado, here's some photos of projects from the last few months. And my that I mean pictures of projects that I happen to have on my phone because my entire computer was recently erased and despite this having happened multiple times before, I still don't back up. So yeah, here we go.

Christmas wreath for me.

Christmas wreath for my grandmother.

Christmas apartment decor.

M and my Christmas tree.

My mother's Christmas tree. Awkward pause. Yes, I'm aware of its superiority.

Peanut butter kiss cookies - my favorite Christmas cookies.

Chicken and dumplings with roasted vegetables from the awesome biscuit book Ashton gave me. They don't look super appealing here but I promise they are a-mazing.

US map. I found a map I liked online and had Kinko's print a big copy. Then I picked some colors I enjoyed and wrote out the first letter of each state really tiny lots of times (look closely). It actually didn't take all that long and was very calming to do.

 Then the map went up into our new "places" collage. It really pulls the living room together. For reals.

Valentine's Day chocolate chip muffins.

And here's some random pics that were on my phone and that I just like.

Sunrise at about 6:45am before work. One of the few perks of being up that early.

Can we talk about this product? Solo cups "for kids on-the-go." They even come with lids and straws. I don't think/I am sure I would not be able to see a kid drinking from one of them without wondering if the child and/or his parents were currently under the influence.

Okay, many more projects soon to come. 

And on the dating front... drumroll please... I just joined e-Harmony. There seem to be a lot of steps before I can actually go out on a date with anyone (I'm actually not sure how many steps there are at this point) but I'll let you know when it let's me see someone in person.

That's all for now, folks. Peace out.